Recently I was introduced to a Korean skincare line, recently released in the US. Incellderm by Riman. Have you heard of it?
I always wanted the clear, glowy skin that didn’t need tons of concealer. Well, after 6 weeks of using Incellderm, I’ve got just that. I began using this regime with just the hope that it might improve my skin, but I love it so much that I decided to join the team.
I believe in these products- they are healing my skin from the inside, out. The biggest selling points for me- vegan, cruelty free. Natural ingredients. Replaces Botox & fillers (for real- y’all should see some of the before/afters!). Little to no scent in the products.
If you want to experience what it’s all about, send me a message. I’d love to share more with you.